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CFI United Kingdom


P.O. Box 2687 Eastbourne,
East Sussex
Contact: Jacob Vince
Phone: +44 1323 410 810

Jacob Vince Chief Executive of
Christian Friends of Israel UK
gives an Introduction to CFI UK
Communities Under Attack, Sderot, Israel

Living under the threat of Covid is tough... but imagine living with the threat of Covid and in fear of your life from Islamic terrorist attacks? Sderot, an Israeli city, lies just three kilometres from the Gaza Border. CFI's David Soakell has been there many times in the past and even experienced the Tzeva Adom (Colour Red) alert, and watched Kassam rockets being fired by the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza. But as the very large red sun dipped on the horizon, and darkness descended quickly, he soon realised that once again, the peace he and the team had experienced in this beautiful Israeli town, would soon be shattered.

CFI Projects in Israel 

Christian Friends of Israel UK promotes projects that are administered by the CFI Jerusalem Office and Distribution Centre. In this video CFI UK's David Soakell takes you to Jerusalem, and other areas of Israel showing a brief introduction to some of these projects with Victims of Terrorist Attacks, Holocaust Survivors, and more. You can find out more on all the other Jerusalem based projects from the CFI Jerusalem website.  From the UK, CFI also support a school for the children of believers, the pro-life work in Israel, and several projects to help Arab babies and families through Shevet Achim. You can easily direct your donation to any one of the projects by visiting our UK website at 

David Soakell, CFI UK representative, is an International speaker, author & media correspondent - writing a Middle East News Report [#Israel] He's a keen photographer. Eagle Eye is his Podcast Channel on Soundcloud.

Eagle Eye David Soakell.
Click the picture to enjoy.
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